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Our Programs

  • Decent work is good for mental health.
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), poor working environments – including discrimination and inequality, excessive workloads, low job control, and job insecurity – pose a risk to mental health.
  • WHO adds that globally, an estimated 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety for US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity. This loss takes place in the form of absenteeism, presenteeism, recurring accidents and errors, customer complaints, and other performance problems.
  • There are effective actions to prevent mental health risks at work, protect and promote mental health at work, and support workers with mental health conditions.

1. Individual Counselling Sessions

We recognize that the workplace can impact an individual’s mental health positively or negatively. At its best, a decent workplace is good for mental health because all people are designed for purpose. Unfortunately, life cannot be fragmented and therefore many times the impact of an individual’s personal experiences may affect workplace performance. We encourage employers to invest in the mental health of their employees for the greater reward. Through the employer, we provide tailored treatment for depression, anxiety, burnout, and complex mental health issues through in-person or digital platforms.

2 . Family support

Mental illnesses can have a high disease burden given the time, financial costs, and hours spent away from work for caregivers. This shouldn’t be the case. We support employees caring for loved ones with mental illness with disease-relevant education, and coping strategies, and to help them identify quality primary and complementary services.

3. Support for Psychiatric Emergencies

We support both employers and employees directly or in collaboration with their health service providers to ensure safety and dignified treatment during emergencies.

  1. Workplace chaplain services
The goal of the Chaplin service is to identify areas for personal and team development, and organizational change. We recognize that the employees juggle multiple responsibilities and it may not always be possible for them to make time for the counseling sessions during the day. The Chaplin visit addresses this by bringing services to the employee. This can save an employee up to two hours in traffic thus providing value for money.
We also attend some routine team meetings to create rapport with staff. These visits allow us to support team leaders to tackle any mental health-related challenges that may be affecting their teams like burnout, interpersonal conflicts, and dealing with loss and grief, which lead to change.

  1. Meaningful team conversations and problem-solving
We combine team building and therapeutic approaches to use games and group activities to support difficult conversations with teams struggling with poor team dynamics. 
This approach helps teams identify and deal with behaviors that trigger or exacerbate mental health challenges, as well as affirm behaviors that promote mental health
  1. Routine Mental Health Talks

We provide routine mental health talks as agreed with the management. These cover different topics related to the
workplace (emotional or positive intelligence, emotional nutrition, the mental health of a leader, etc.) or life (parenting,
relationships, money, and the mind, etc.). The talks help improve emotional literacy. and build employee resilience.
We also generate workplace mental health. awareness messages throughout the year, capitalizing on key events like;

  • Mental Health Awareness Month in May.
  • Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September
  • World Mental Health Day in October.
  1. Peer Mental Health Support

We support organizations to train and supervise a team of peer counselors who go on to help identify staff struggling with mental health challenges, deliver psychological first-aid, and refer them to one of our qualified counselors for support. 

Peer Counselors can help normalize the organization’s mood in times of crisis and are critical to the success of organizational

Peer counselors are often the first line of support during psychiatric emergencies.

3. Strategic Mental Health

We support organizations to review their strategic objectives through a mental health

We help create indicators for mental health within the organization’s risk framework, quality assurance systems, and key performance result areas. 

We also believe workplace mental health programs are the foundation of a cultural transformation within the organization.

According to the World Health Organization;

  • One in seven 10-19-year-olds experiences a mental disorder, accounting for 13% of the
    global burden of disease in this age group globally.
  • Depression, anxiety, and behavioral disorders are among the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents. This leads to poor performance at school, school dropouts and increased risk for early pregnancy amongst girls, HIV infection in both girls and boys, accidents, and other life complications.
  • Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15–29-year-olds.
  • The consequences of failing to address adolescent mental health conditions extend to
    adulthood, impairing both physical and mental health and limiting opportunities to lead
    fulfilling lives as adults.

Therefore it goes without saying that an investment in adolescent mental health has far-
reaching results for the future of any community.

1. Individual Counselling Sessions

Many adults who suffer mental health challenges can trace the onset back to adolescence. They often report that there was little or no help for them to address the challenges that they were facing at the time.

Thankfully we now know better; that the mental health of adolescents is critical to overall wellbeing in adulthood.

The Malachite Center, working in partnership with parents/guardians and the school management provides tailored treatment for
depression, anxiety, burnout, and complex mental health issues through in-person or digital platforms.

2 . Family support

Mental illnesses can have a high disease burden given the time, financial costs, and hours spent away from work for caregivers. This shouldn’t be the case.

We support parents and guardians caring for loved ones with mental illness with disease-relevant education, and coping
strategies, and to help them identify quality primary and complementary services.

  1. Support for Psychiatric Emergencies.

We support both employers and employees directly or in collaboration with their health service providers to ensure safety and
dignified treatment during emergencies.

  1. School-Based Chaplain Services
    We conduct routine visits during the school day to meet with staff and students who often need support but fail to create time due to their busy schedules.

    We are available for 10-15-minute conversations with individual staff and students, during these visits, to identify those who are struggling and we encourage them to book counseling sessions. 


  1. Emotional Literacy Program

    We use a wide range of games to teach emotional literacy and positive and spiritual intelligence, believing that even at this age, adolescents can begin to master and take charge of their mental health.

    We also fuse team building and therapeutic approaches to support difficult conversations within teams struggling with poor team dynamics. The conversations help teams identify and deal with behaviors that trigger or exacerbate mental health challenges, as well as affirm and promote behaviors that enable mental health.

  2. Meaningful team conversations and problem-solving

    We fuse team building and therapeutic approaches using games and group activities to support difficult conversations within teams struggling with poor team dynamics. The conversations help teams identify and deal with behaviours that trigger or exacerbate mental health challenges, as well as affirm and promote behaviours that enable mental health.

1. Individual Counselling Sessions

Tailored treatment for depression, anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and other mental health conditions.

  • Counseling and treatment support for clients with complex mental health conditions like
    schizophrenia, bipolar, substance use, etc.
  • Client advocacy and mediation/arbitration.
  • Referral to quality specialized mental health services.
  • Coaching for adolescents and adults with Attention Deficit Hyper-Activity Disorder.

Therapy sessions are provided in person or through digital platforms and phone conversations.

2. Group Sessions

Tailored to develop emotional literacy among young adults, and to educate and treat
depression and anxiety.

A elders’ forum for senior citizens. This is an in-person session for senior citizens that takes
place on our premises. The objective is to provide for intellectually stimulating conversation
and debate, personal reflection, an opportunity to build new friendships and community.

3. Family support
These services are provided to caregivers of persons with severe mental health challenges.

The services include educating family members on the signs and symptoms of the illnesses,
their role in enabling a sustainable recovery, how to handle vicarious (secondary trauma),
managing family dynamics, and how to source complementary services, just to mention a

4. Support for Psychiatric Emergencies.

We work with the client’s health service provider and our referral networks for both in and out-
patient services to ensure the client and those around them are safe and treated with dignity
and respect during psychiatric emergencies.

The Malachite Center utilizes social media as a platform to raise awareness about various mental health-related topics. All our social media accounts concurrently conduct monthly mental health education series, each lasting between 7-31 days.

Additionally, the Center has established a new YouTube Channel named Malachite Media. Through this channel, we aim to present a diverse array of programs developed by our organization and host content from other mental health-focused organizations or enthusiasts. We believe in the collective synergy to build a broader audience, leading to a wider catchment of viewership and listenership.

To further foster discussions on mental health, address misconceptions, challenge negative perceptions
of mental illness, and facilitate learning from those who have undergone the journey of recovery, we
have created communities on WhatsApp and Facebook.

Lastly, we assist companies in developing in-house educational series tailored to the mental health
status of their staff, the challenges they collectively face, and the promotion of their mental health
goals. These campaigns can be conducted on the company’s in-house platforms such as WhatsApp
groups, intranet, or learning platforms.